Welcome to Laurier
Board Members
Brett Burdette - Chair: (905) 302-3001
Julie Smith - Secretary Treasurer
(647) 521-8671
Seppe Maes
Rick Vaillancourt
Steve Bosche
Minutes of AGM for 2023: (read)
Map - Area Roads (read)
Map - Map Laurier/Ballantyne Snow Removal (read)
Current Financial Statements
Statement of Receipts and Expenditures (read)
Gas Tax Revenue (read)
A Local Roads Board (LRB) is used in an area of Ontario, such as Laurier, that does not have municipal organization. The authority for the establishment of a LRB is the Local Roads Board Act.
In Laurier, the board is comprised of 5 members including a Chair and a Secretary/Treasurer. Each board member is elected at a public meeting which is held annually. Their duties commence on January 1st in the year following their election.
The LRB usually meets in the spring to inspect the roads in their area. The tour identifies issues and areas that require attention. The board works in conjunction with the Ministry of Transportation to establish cost estimates for potential items, along with prioritization based on need and the previous years’ maintenance work. The annual roads board tax is proposed at the annual public meeting and is taxed through the Ontario Ministry of Finance Provincial Land Tax Office in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Monies from both taxes and the government determine the amount allowable for road work that is done over the budget year.